Rays Organic Green Tea amply supplies antioxidant which effectively detoxifies the toxins that have accumulated in the body. This tea is a produce of the certified organic garden situated in the high Himalayan region, right in the lap of Mt. Kanchenjunga, possibly with Nepal’s richest organic properties which this tea directly draws. Highly specialized organic technique has been adopted at the production and packaging stages to keep intact all the medicinal values contained in the Camellia sinensis buds. And this tea has been certified as organic by National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA), a globally reputed authority for organic certification. Scientific research has shown that the components found in green tea leaf reach the affected cells and organs of the ailing person and have curative effect, while they reinforce a healthy person’s immunity system and prevent illness. Therefore it is necessary that both ailing and healthy people drink Rays Organic Green Tea.
Regaining health
1. Prevents cancer.
2. Good in indigestion, constipation, gastritis, acidity, ulcer and piles.
3. Controls high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and triglycerides.
4. Reduces the amount of LDL.
5. Improves memory power.
6. Prevents foul breath and protects teeth and gums.
7. Enhances the immunity system and also benefits HIV sufferers.
8. Defies ageing and intensifies beauty.
9. Eases women’s menstrual and uterus problems.
10. Combats the bodily harm done by smoking and drinking.
11. Improves appetite and also keeps the body healthy and energetic.
Tea making directions
Put 1 liter of water in an earthen, non-stick or steel pot. Boil it for 3 minutes. Pour it out and let the steam escape for 2/3 minutes. The water temperature should be around 70-80 degrees C. Then add a large spoon-full of tea or its 2 tea bags. Keep it covered for up to 5 minutes. Now the tea is ready. Drink it in a glass or ceramic cup.
ü Patients of low blood pressure – Don’t drink it in an empty stomach or drink a little only.
ü Those on antibiotic medication – Don’t drink it.
ü Pregnant women – Don’t drink it during the first 3 and last 2 months.
ü During menstruation – Don’t drink it for the first 3 days.
ü Patients of radio and chemo therapies – Don’t drink it.
Rays organic green tea
Green tea types:
Rays Organic Green Tea Gold (Leaf) 100gm
Rays Organic Green Tea Silver (Leaf) 100gm
Rays Organic Green Tea(Bag) 100gm
Rays Organic Green Tea (Bag) 50gm